How to move a subnet from one VLAN to another, with minumum downtime: 
Friday, 8 November, 9:59 - Teknologi
If you have been in a situation where you need to move a subnet from one VLAN to another, then you know that it is hard to do without taking the network down while you reconfigure all network components. I had to move away from VLAN 1 (for several reasons) but had to maintain the subnet, and therefore could not make inter-VLAN routing. At some point it seemed that the only solution was to spend a weekend, of precious spare time, to implement configuration changes to each component in the network over an ordinary serial cable *sigh*
When my spare time started to evaporate, I began looking for more unorthodox solutions, and found Adam Schaeffer's idea. It looked quite promising. Well explained, and theoretically a solution with a good chance that it could float ... so I tried it - and tadaaa: It Wurgs!

I will now spend the next few days of normal working hours, moving network equipment to the new VLAN, one at a time. When i am done, i will remove the "Adam Schaeffer workaround", then lean back and enjoy surfing the BOFH website again ;-)
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