IoT Hottub Temperature Controlled Power Switch
- Buy a TH16.
- Buy a temperature sensor that fits TH16 and your needs. I use the Sonoff DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor.
- Buy a 3.3 volt USB to seriel adaptor
- Be aware of dokumentation for ESPeasy
- I flashed my TH16 Ver. 2.1 dated 2019-08-26 with the file
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Inspiration til denne side kommer fra og
on sensorTemp#temperature do // Store current sensor temperature in a dummy variable TaskValueSet,varTemp,Dummy,[sensorTemp#temperature] // If temperature is above 37 OR the toggleSwitch state is 1 // then set dummy Switch1 state to 1 if [varTemp#lastValue]>=37 or [toggleSwitch#state]=1 TaskValueSet,Switch1,state,1 else TaskValueSet,Switch1,state,0 endif // Set the relay and red LED state to the same state as dummy Switch1 state gpio,12,0[Switch1#state] endon