OS X Minecraft server setup

From munkjensen.net/wiki
Revision as of 12:40, 8 November 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)


This page will describe how i run my Minecraft servers. All scripts i use will soon be available at my BitBucket repo. I just need to finish up the last few details before releasing my first version ;-)

Some of my inspiration was found at electricmonk.nl and minecraft.gamepedia.com.

The guide to YAMS.

User with limited privileges.

This way of creating a new user for your Minecraft Server IS complicated... but necessary if you want to run your Minecraft Server as secure as possible.
The login to GUI, makes it possible to run scheduled tasks using OS X launchd / launchctl ;-)

  1. Follow the guide here like this, until you reach "append Groups/_minecraft GroupMembership _minecraft"
  2. Execute the dscl command  passwd /Users/_minecraft "YourTemporaryPassword"
  3. Continue following the guide, but ONLY until you reach "You might want something like this to prevent the user from showing up in the login dropdown:".
  4. Log out of OS X
  5. Log in as "_minecraft". Skip everything related to the first userlogin on the GUI.
  6. Log out.
  7. Log in as your normal user.
  8. Continue the user creation from "You might want something like this to prevent the user from showing up in the login dropdown:"
  9. STOP completely when you reach "Creating the user home". The rest is covered here after :-)

Finish up by deleting the following obsolete files and folders.

  1. cd ../_minecraft/
  2. sudo rm -R Desktop Documents Downloads Movies Music Pictures


Action Terminal command
Change to the new user : sudo su - _minecraft
Download the sourcecode like this : curl -kLOs https://bitbucket.org/fmjensen/yams
unzip the scripts : unzip yams-<version>.zip
Change to the directory containing the scripts : cd yams-<version>
"Update" your server : ./admin_update_server
READ the output from the script you just ran, and ACT upon the information ;-)

About the YAMS scripts and files.

This part contains a description of all files in the zip file you downloaded.


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script will stop the server gracefully if the following conditions are met:

  • Server is running on RAM disk


This script can update the server if the following requirements are met:

  • Server must not be running.
  • RAM disk must be ejected. See admin_eject_ramdisk


This script

=== backup_exclude_list

This file


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script


This script

=== net.minecraft.ramdisk.server.backup

This file

=== server-icon.png

This file

=== server.properties

This file

Personalize your server.