7 Days To Die Server and Mod installation
- Install Debian. I used Debian 12.
- Update the OS.
- Follow the LGSM-install guide here --> https://linuxgsm.com/servers/sdtdserver/
- You may need to install SteamCMD seperately using the guide here --> https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
- Install the mods like this https://shockbyte.com/billing/knowledgebase/322/How-to-Install-Mods-on-Your-7-Days-to-Die-Server.html or this https://7dac.net/linux-server-setup-guide/
- Start server and enjoy...
- You may need to disable EAC on the server... this will probably not be any problem, since you most likely will know and trust everyone you give access to your server anyway ;-)
- Launch your Client using the https://github.com/The7D2DModLauncher/7D2DModLauncherV5/releases
- Reset the game to start of Day 1 using this guide —-> https://shockbyte.com/billing/knowledgebase/320/How-to-Reset-Your-7-Days-to-Die-Server-World.html